The Village at San Antonio Center Phase II Project Draft EIR

San Antonio Phase II Draft EIR March 2014 COVER

This Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) has been prepared in accordance with the provisions
of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) to evaluate the potential impacts of the proposed Village at San Antonio Center Phase II Project (Project). The Project site is located in a developed portion of the City of Mountain View (City), Santa Clara County, California. As required by Section 15123 of the CEQA Guidelines, this executive summary contains the following:

  • Project Overview
  • Project Goal and Objectives
  • Project Impacts and Mitigation Measures
  • Project Alternatives
  • Potential Areas of Controversy and Issues to be Resolved

Project Overview

The proposed Village at San Antonio Center Phase II Project is an infill project that involves
redeveloping an approximately 9.9-acre site (Project site) currently occupied by approximately
59,655 square feet (sf) of commercial and retail buildings with associated surface parking. The
Project would develop office, commercial, hotel, retail, cinema, and restaurant uses in a
configuration of six distinct development blocks. The Project includes one aboveground garage
(with one floor of associated subterranean parking), one subterranean garage, and surface parking.
The total amount of new and redeveloped uses proposed is approximately 1.2 million sf. Vehicular
access to the Project site would be via Pacchetti Way, California Street, and San Antonio Road. A
joint-use promenade would extend from north to south through the middle of the Project site from
California Street to the Hetch-Hetchy Parkway. Construction activities would include the demolition
of the existing commercial and retail buildings and surface parking lots, and removal of trees and
vegetation that would be replaced in accordance with the Project’s landscape plan. Refer to
Chapter 2, Project Description, for a detailed description of the Project components.

A full copy of the San Antonio Center Phase II Draft EIR and Appendices​ can be viewed here: